Monday, December 8, 2008

Andrew's 2nd Birthday Party

This past week has been CRAZY busy with parties. Saturday we took another roadtrip (ha ha) to the Ladner's for Andrew's 2nd Birthday! It's actually not til next week, but they are flying out soon, and decided to celebrate a little early!

Here is the little cake I made for him. I also made a #2 smash cake, but I can't seem to find the picture of it now. You can see it below in other pics.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Andrew's Granna and PawPaw gets the COOLEST GIFT award for this party! Thanks to them, Andrew has his very own bounce house he can bounce in ANYTIME he wants! It was the first present he opened....and it was set up right away. The kids all got to enjoy this gift!
Even Calvin and Addi had a blast bouncing in it!
Well, until Addison blocked the bottom of the slide and was evicted by her sister McKenzie.
You wouldn't believe all the red faces coming our of the bounce house!
Then it was cake time!

Make A Wish!!!
He was very prim and proper about eating his cake. One little frosting star at a was cute! soon as Andrew got a fork... GAME ON!
Addison even got to sneak a few bites of Daddy's cake.... (I'm not real sure what Julie's doing in the background...I think she was bouncing a balloon in the air... ha ha, sorry Julie!)
The thing is, once she got the fork in her mouth, she wouldn't let it go!
Alaina had Micky Ears instead of party hats. Here is my wonderful husband doing his impression of the "certain" tourists who are all over Hawaii!

And of course the kiddos!

Here was the little McKenzie who was around 22 months if I remember right. They are the Ladner's new neighbors. My big McKenzie struggled to keep her sanity as it was confusing for her to hear people call out two "McKenzie's".

Seriously, though. Red hair AND curls!

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