Friday, January 9, 2009

Early Morning Wake Up Call

This morning just before 6:30am Nick and I were awakened by a screeching fan belt just down the street. Moments later, we heard a strange crashing noise and we jumped out of bed and saw some commotion a few houses down. We could hear someone hollar something about calling 911, then a neighbor went running down the street.

Nick ran down there as well to see if he could help with whatever just happened.

What happened? Well, apparently an elderly man stepped on the wrong pedal and went driving through two sets of fencing and dropped down a few feet into the neighbors yard! Whoops!

Luckily no one was hurt. But due to all the excitement, we were very much awake at that point. The sirens from the fire truck moments later didn't help either!
Trevor had an eventful day at school today. His class got to go on a bug hunt! He was very excited about describing all the bugs he and his classmates found out on the yard. It must have really warn him out as well. Upon returning home, he ate his lunch and became very tired. He protested a nap, but we finally compromised with a "rest" on his jelly sack (bean bag) while he watched Bug's Life.

Moments later:

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