Friday, March 6, 2009

New Shoes...

Yesterday all the kids got something new.

McKenzie has had her eye on some new shoes she saw at the mall. She had a stack of checks she got for her birthday that we had forgotten about, so I deposited them and gave her some cash to get her shoes. So we were off to the mall...

They weren't what I was expecting, but she REALLY wanted them and so I let her use her own money to get them. She was excited to be able to wear her brand new NEON Converse Shoes on her fieldtrip today.

Trevor has hit another growth spurt. He has already grown out of the jeans I bought for him just before Christmas. And his shoes were getting too small too! So here are the shoes he picked out.... He was excited to wear them to school today too!
Now, Addison is quite content with her crocs, so it wasn't shoes that she got. Instead, she got a black eye. My poor baby. She was watching a helicopter hover above the mountainside outside our front window, and I was sitting beside her. She was dancing and all excited and she bumped her head on the wooden trim. I thought she had bumped her forehead, but didn't see a bump anywhere until after her nap a few hours later, I noticed her eyelid was red and swollen. This morning was even worse. Luckily, you can't really tell when her eyes are open. But when she closes her eyes, you can tell she has a little boo-boo.


Anonymous said...

Poor Addi! The shoes look great and Kenzie, I like yours!

Anonymous said...

Kim, don't feel bad. Danica's shoes are worse! She went on and "designed" them herself! Yikes! Let's just say a bit more "colorful" than McKenzie's. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to see the picture of McKenzie's when she gets home tonite! Hope all is well. ~~Sue

Ladners'Latest said...

I like those neon shoes :)

Anonymous said...

You can design your own at!?! ...I think I will remember that for Kenzie's next birthday! -Aunt Ang

Anonymous said...

Oh yes...the converse are the "in" thing! If you look closely those were the shoes of choice for the costumer for Amber's show....luckily Amber had some already and they were acceptable so I didn't have to go out and spend another $50 on shoes!