Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Addison Update

Tuesday morning, Addison got her tonsils and adenoids out, AND tubes in her ears. What we called a triple whammy.

Here is a pic of her all happy and ready to go while we were checking in.
We were given a soft yellow gown, and tiny little non slip sockies. At this point, she was still oblivious as to what the near future had in store for her.
While we waited, the nurse came in for Addison's final costume piece, her surgical hat. And she didn't want to wear one unless I had one too... so they graciously spared one for mommy... and the nurse took our picture.
Then before she could realize what was happening, a few nurses came in with warm blankets, scooped her up and took her to the OR. I was escorted out to the waiting area, and after about 30 minutes, she was done! They took her to recovery and after another 45 minutes I got to go back and see her. She was all bundled up in blankets in a nurses lap in recovery, very groggy, but she cried for me when i walked in. They placed her in my lap and she went in and out of sleep all morning. Narcotics were working wonders!!! She sipped on juice, licked a few icees, and went through 2 1/2 IV bags throughout the morning and afternoon. By 3PM we were discharged and on our way home.

Our first night was rough. She was reluctant to swallow anything so even getting Tylenol in her was a chore, but after she took that, we were able to get fluids in her. Wednesday was okay. Still struggling to get her to drink much, but as the day progressed, she seemed to be improving.

Her voice has already changed and sounds less nasal-y. And her pronunciation is improved. I can't wait to hear how she sounds after a full recovery.

She's a trooper and I hope she continues to make a speedy recovery.


Anonymous said...

Poor Addi:( I hope she continues a good recovery and give her a hug for me!

Julie S.

Anonymous said...

That's our Addi! What a tough cookie you are!! :) Wish we could be there to give you a big hug. So glad you're feeling better.

How exciting she's sounding better too! And the powers that be sure got it done the way Mommy and Daddy wanted - Hip, Hip, Hooray!

Uncle Jim & Aunt Julie