Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hale Koa Pool

After church today we decided to pack up and go over to Waikiki to the Hale Koa pool. That is the military hotel on the beach that has a pool open to all military. It was our first time over there in our 4 1/2 years on island. Sad, I know. A lot of our friends have been over there, and have had the best time, so we decided to check it out!

Of course we had to eat first... while Addison napped......Then it was off to the pool...
Nick got Trevor in with little persuasion...and he even got pretty brave through out the afternoon. I had to sneak the pictures though because he is not too happy with me when I whip out the camera..."I SAID NO PICTURES MOMMY!"
The kids had a blast with Nick...Addison and I stayed poolside and gossiped about all the people walking by and whether they SHOULD or SHOULD NOT have been wearing the swimsuits they were wearing....and there where A LOT of SHOULD NOT's!
She did take a quick dip in the pool with daddy as seen you can see she was thrilled.
Smile with Mommy! (or not)
Warming up after a dip in the pool with daddy!
Over all, it was a fun trip! The kids wore themselves out and slept all the way home. Now, daddy is taking his turn and napping in the chair.

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