Thursday, July 15, 2010

Karen's Wedding

On Friday July 2nd, we tragically lost two wonderful men in our family who we loved and adored with all our hearts; Nick's brother and brother-in-law. Our family has pulled together and accomplished things we didn't know we were capable of during this unthinkable tragedy.

"The Lord makes so many good things happen in our lives that we might think He's abandoned us when sorrow comes along. But the Lord knows when we're hurting and it's then that He draws closer to us. In our sorrow, we may not feel His presence, but that doesn't change His promise to be with us... and we may not understand, but He doesn't ask us to. All He asks is that we trust Him."

On Saturday, July 3rd, we attended the most beautiful wedding of Nick's neice, Karen.

Trevor was the ring bearer and Addison was the flower girl. I had no doubts that they would make it down the isle with no problems, until they practiced dropping the flower petals during rehearsal. Because after they practiced, they had to pick UP the petals....

So, as they walked down the isle together during the wedding, and Addison dropped her last few petals, she stopped, and turned around to start picking them up again....
Trevor tried to explain to her that it was time to sit with Mommy, but Addison was determined to pick up the petals... until Daddy intervened. McKenzie was a candle lighter. Her counterpart got to the end of the isle and ran out of wick! He turned around, announced "I'm out of stuff", and then sat down. *smile* So McKenzie lit the rest of the candles for him.
The beautiful bride walking with her brother and mother.
After the wedding we went to a gorgeous reception. The kids were getting so tired, but they hung in there! They must have known the fabulous celebration that was about to happen...
Here, Addison spilled punch on her dress for the 3rd time...

Nick's nephew Alex doing the "Fat Guy In a Little Coat" with Trevor's tuxedo jacket.
My sleepy little pink eye'd flower girl
Trevor and Addison dancing with cousin Jill and Grandma Turner
Trevor out on the dance floor.
Addison was so tired she would dance in spurts. She'd be dancing around, then pause with this tired stare you see below... then start up dancing again! She was a trooper.
This was the last opportunity to catch a family picture at the end of the night... but at least we got one taken!
And what's a Turner family wedding without a little YMCA?
Even Nick's dad got involved...

And another tradition, Nick and his mother dancing to Neon Moon
The removal of the garter...
All the single men lining up (Trevor is front and center)
All the single men ducking as it's thrown, except Trevor and one other gentleman.
And suddenly, the garter appeared in Trevor's hands. The look on his face was PRICELESS. He was so excited!
Parading around the party on cousin Timmy's shoulders with the garter in hand.
And now showing it off on his head. The highlight of his night!!
Oh What A Night!
Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Archer!!!

1 comment:

Ladners'Latest said...

You guys look fabulous! Addi's dress is gorgeous and she has changed so much.