Saturday, August 13, 2011

Iowa State Fair

We lucked out and happened to be home during the greatest state fair of them all.... The Iowa State Fair!

Nick and the kids and I loaded up on opening day and headed down to Des Moines for a day of fun!


 Oh.. Addison
 Our first stop was the petting zoo..

 Then we headed to the exhibit hall to check out all the 'free' stuff!  Ha Ha

Addison giving Clifford a HIGH FIVE!

As you can see, Tyler wanted NOTHING to do with Clifford!

We took the kids on "Ye Ol' Mill" ride... no one was a big fan of the super dark boat ride... oh well.

We took a quick pass by the Famous BUTTER COW!
 There were several little cows all over the fair grounds painted up in different themes.... this one caught my eye so I had to take a picture of it!

Addison, Daddy & Trevor rode over top of my and Tyler on the sky lift.... i had to keep hollering up to them "Sit back!"  "Don't lean forward!" "Hang on!"  whoo that was nerve wracking!

Let's play a little game called, Where's Mommy & Tyler?
**If you look down at the medical building.. and see a little concrete block in the grass in front of that just to the right.... there we are! Waiting for them to pass over us!

Trevor took a few passes on the big slide...

The kids convinced Daddy to let them go on the pony ride...

 Mommy had to chase after Tyler's pony to keep up!

 Trevor even ASKED if he could do this ride...
In fact, there was hardly anyone wanting to go on this ride, so they let Trevor bounce a really long time... he had to ask if he could stop after a while. Poor guy was exhausted!

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