Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back to School & A New Stove

Today my little man went back to pre-school after his long Christmas break! He was sawing logs when I went to wake him up this morning. Why is it that children NEVER sleep in on non-school days?! He has been up before 7am every morning until this morning. He was so not ready to wake up. Then he moped through breakfast....I had to rush him through his waffles. We made it to school just in time.

Since he missed the last day before break, he had quite a pile of loot waiting for him. He had lots of goodies from his teachers and classmates.
Our good friends at Sears called us today to let us know our new stove and microwave had come in. Nick went right over after work to pick them up.

GOODBYE old stove!

Hello gorgeous new self-cleaning stove! I love you!
Nick plans to install the new microwave tomorrow after work if he gets off at a decent time! You'd never know he was leaving on deployment in 2 weeks! He just keeps working on the house! He jokes that he has to deploy to get a break. Ha!

1 comment:

Ladners'Latest said...

Oh don't you just LOVE that nice, smooth ceramic cook top! I'll never go back :)