Sunday, August 22, 2010

Iowa State Fair Fun

McKenzie and Trevor wanted to ride the Sky Line.... so I went along with them.
It was so fun to see the fair from way up high!
The highlight of the day was watching Meridith, McKenzie and Trevor ride the Crazy Mouse roller coaster.
Poor Addison just didn't make the cut...
They were ALL SMILES at the start...
But smiles soon turned to panic for some (Trevor)...And he soon disappeared into Meridith's lap as the ride went along...

And for some, it was just too much fun...
Trevor enjoyed watching a man operated robot...
And Tyler waved his flag proudly at the end of the day...

The kids and I had a great time seeing the fair

1 comment:

Ginny said...

Looks to me like Meridith was so busy laughing that she wasn't much comfort to Trevor on the ride. :)