Friday, July 24, 2009

Home from Operation Purple Camp

This afternoon we picked up McKenzie from Operation Purple Camp! They did a quick closing ceremony where they talked about all the fun things they did during the week. Here is McKenzie sitting with her group.

"The Oreos"
(They were the BLACK group)
Some of the things they did this week were:
A boat trip out to the sandbar
Camp games
Overnight stay on the USS Missouri at Pearl Harbor along with a day of military appreciation where they toured Pearl Harbor and watched them raise the flag first thing in the morning.

She shared a tent with the daughter of another Ugly Angel... and said their tent was HUGE!

The kids also got to enjoy 3 meals a day catered by Kinnicke's... which McKenzie said was SO FABULOUS!!!!

Here is Trevor hanging out in the stroller during the ceremony looking ever so studly in his aviator glasses!!!

Each age group did a cadence that they made up during the week. Here was McKenzie's group's:

Then the leaders got together and did a cadence:

Once we got home, Addison would NOT let McKenzie out of her sight. McKenzie went back to her room to hang out and relax after a long week of exhausting fun, and there were little steps following her, so they chilled out together for a while. Then McKenzie came out and was sitting on the couch.... there was Addison right on top of her.

I think it's safe to say that Addison really missed her big sis this week!

(photo courtesy of Trevor)

We are so glad she had a blast, but are so glad she is home! We all missed her so much!!!

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