Friday, October 16, 2009

Today we leave the islands.. in fact, when this posts, we will be en route to Virginia!  The past 2 weeks on the island have absolutely FLOWN!  We have been so busy. I wish we could have been more prepared (is that even possible?) and been able to do more tourist-y things as a family, but as it goes.... things were too crazy.  Nick has been working so hard since he stepped off the plane returning from Afghanistan.

I did get him to get away for a few hours on our last few days and get a couples massage down in Waikiki.  We went to the Olakino Spa. Nick has never had a professional massage before, and I thought he and I both deserved one. 

When I made the appointment, I was told that our masseurs would be female, but it could change.  Nick was very firm about NOT wanting a male rubbing on him.  So he was threatening me the entire drive to the spa that he would walk out and let me have my own massage if he had to be 'rubbed on' by a man.  Okay, whatever. "Yes, dear."

We were shown to the locker rooms and given robes, which I didn't realize would be so transparent until I put it on.  YIKES! Thank goodness I could overlap the robe in front. (But not so much in the back) As I walked out to meet Nick in the waiting area, I prayed there wouldn't be anyone else around. Phew! Greeting me with his own transparent robe and two glasses of water, was Nick, strolling around the waiting area, completely relaxed. I, however, sat down in the first chair closest to me. "DID YOU NOTICE THESE WERE VERY THIN!?!?!" Nick didn't seem to care.

(Picture taken with my phone...sorry its blurry)

We were soon taken back to the couples room and introduced to our 'people'.  Mine was a cute little local lady and Nick's, YOU GUESSED IT, was a MAN! [insert: loud burst of laughter]

They left us for a minute to let us slip under the sheets on our assigned massage tables. Nick looks over at me and says, "Do you think we can trade???"

"No, Nick, get over it."
I got 80 minutes of aromatherapy, and Nick got the Lomi Lomi massage. 
It must not have been too bad....

Nick, post massage, completely relaxed.

Thank you to my "Ugly Girls" for the opportunity for Nick and I to spend some relaxing time together during this very stressful week!!!  And big THANKS to Alaina and Andrew for hanging out with Tyler and Addison (in our boring ol' hotel rooms) while we were gone, even though Addison napped the entire time (3.5 hours)!


Ladners'Latest said...

Thanks for reminding me that you're already gone! *sniff*

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave and I go at least once every six months to get one together. He never understood why I loved it so till I started to take him.. He loves them now....

Have a great time back home

Tons of love

Liz and Dave

Lesley said...

Zach says the same thing about having a guy massage him! Good for Nick for going with the flow.

Travel safe! We're freezing down here (it's been like in the 50s at night----yes, I'm a wimp) but I'm looking forward to updating my winter wardrobe. Six long-sleeved shirts just isn't going to cut it!