Trevor's pre-school is at a church in Kaneohe, and they were having a Harvest Festival Saturday, which I had planned on going to....due to the rain, we stayed home.
There was also a Halloween Party at the Border's Book Store at the mall that afternoon, but since Trevor's costume is still one large piece of fabric, and Kenzie doesn't have straps to hold her dress up yet....we didn't go to that either. You'd think a rainy day would be perfect for finishing up Halloween costumes, but I had other things to bake a couple birthday cakes!
Today looks like it might be a little better. Which is good, because we have a double birthday party to go to at 1:00! Hudson and Hannah are sharing a party today.
Tell Hudson and Hannah happy birthday for us! Wasn't yesterday the perfect day to stay inside and read and drink hot chocolate? Oh, wait, that's what I would have done in my pre-Daniel life!
love the photo Kenzie!
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